Tehillim (Psalms) 9:5

Tehillim (Psalms) 9:5

ADONAI is a stronghold for the oppressed,

a tower of strength in times of trouble.

Those who know your name put their trust in you,

for you have not abandoned those who seek you, ADONAI.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Shabbat A Time Of Joy

One thing that strikes me about Jewish life is the observance of Shabbat, the commanded day of rest, the 7th day of the week.  Now, I know that all Jewish people are not religious.  Not all Jews hold to the Tanakh.  But for those who do, I respect the degree of earnest devoted to preparation for the Sabbath, as well as, the level of commitment to keep it as a day of physical, emotional, and psychological rest. 

For those that observe Shabbat, it is a day when all striving cease and one is at peace with the Creator and His creation.  It is a day in which one guards him/herself from those things that seek to destroy the joy  experienced in fellowship with the Maker of all things. 

This past week, The Day of Remembrance preceded Shabbat by 2 days.  On Shabbat, just 2 short days later, there was no mention of it.  Why?  Because Shabbat is a day to rejoice.  It is a weekly holy day (holiday), where you enjoy all the good things that HaShem has provided.  It is a day to give honor and glory to the Creator.  That is what matters.  HaShem has given us 24 hours, once a week, where he commands us to rest in Him.  On Shabbat, we also rest from our grief.  If we allow ourselves to soak in His presence the grief we carry is replaced by joy. 

Judaism holds to the sacredness of life.  Life is never sacrificed for the sake of mitvot.  Life comes first.  Therefore, caring for a seriously ill friend or family member becomes an act of kindness.  It is putting into practice Leviticus 19:18, "And you shall love your neighbor as yourself." 

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